Mom of black and white twins says she thought she was given the wrong baby

Jυdith Nwokocha, who gave birth to a black boy and an albino girl in 2016, said she thought she had been given the wrong baby because the girl was too white.


Key points

  • Jυdith Nwokocha gave birth to a black boy and an albino girl.
  • Doctors said the girl may not have perfect vision.
  • Jυdith is teaching her daughter to accept her differences.

Calgary, Canada: A woman who gave birth to black and white twins thought her baby had been switched when she noticed the difference between the two.


Jυdith Nwokocha (38), originally from Calgay, Canada, said she struggled for eight long years to get pregnant until she tried IVF. In 2016, she gave birth to a black boy, Kamsi, and an albino girl, Kachi.

When Jυdith saw him give birth to Kachi for the first time, she wondered if the nurse had given her the right baby or someone else’s. While she was waiting to be told there was a mix-up, the nurse told her that her daughter was beautiful. She was surprised by how white the girl was, however, the joy of seeing her babies healthy surpassed any other feelings.


People get confused when they see their twin babies. Jυdith said: “Someone has asked me ‘where are her parents?’” And when she told the person that she was Kachi’s mother, they were surprised.

However, people have never given negative reactions, telling the mother of two that her daughter is beautiful.

Doctors told Jυdith that her baby had albinism and would have problems with his vision. They suggested that the girl would have to learn to read Braille.


The mother was fine knowing her daughter’s vision wouldn’t be perfect, but when she learned Kachi would need Braille at school, she was heartbroken. In one case, Jυdith even threw the braille sheets in the trash.


Jυdith later pulled herself together and began focusing on teaching her daughter to accept her differences. “I don’t think she’s aware of her uniqueness right now, but she will eventually, and it’s my responsibility to educate him and teach him to love himself no matter what,” he wrote in a blog.

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