Explore its splendid colors and graceful movement of Paradisornis rudolphi


The beautiful blue plumage of this bird is enhanced to perfection by its equally beautiful dancing in his courtship display.


The blue bird-of-paradise (Paradisornis rudolphi) is a beautiful, relatively large species of bird-of-paradise. It is the sole species in the genus Paradisornis but was previously included in the genus Paradisaea. Mostly black, this bird of paradise has a bluish-white bill, dark grey legs, and broken white and bright blue wings.


The male is also adorned with violet-blue and cinnamon flank feathers, from which emerge two long tail feathers in a button-like shape.

In comparison, the female is predominantly brown.

These birds are only distributed in the mountainous forests of the Central Ranges in southeastern Papua New Guinea.


Blue-birds-of-paradise is a mainly frugivorous species, dining on a wide variety of fruit and berries but will occasionally eat animal prey such as insects and reptiles.


During the breeding season, male blue-birds-of-paradise undergo a breathtaking display while hanging the black egg with a vivid margin on their chest, rhythmically enlarging and contracting its size. Simultaneously, fanning out his violet-blue plume, continuously producing a soft, insect-like buzzing noise mixed with chittering or chattering. If successful in his efforts, the female proceeds to build a nest of stems, twigs, palm leaves, and vines in a flat cup-like shape. Overall, an egg is covered in blood by a highly defensive future mother.


Due to continuous habitat loss, this bird has a decreasing range with a small population size. They are also under threat from hunting for their highly prized plumes, thus blue-birds-of-paradise are assessed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.


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