Also known as the red avadavat (Amandava amandava), this sparrow-sized songbird is found throughout tropical South and South East Asia, including in India, China, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Once popular in the pet trade, the names avadavat and amandava come from Ahmedabad, a city the state of Gujarat, India, where the species was bred and exported to collectors all over the world more than 200 years ago.
The spectacular colouring that made the bird such a commodity is worn by the males during the breeding season. Referred to as its ‘nuptial plumage’, the bright red attracts females, which are predictably dull to look at, but have the same beautiful red beak and cute white speckles.
Unlike many other species of birds, where the males are brilliantly adorned and the females are plain, the red strawberry finch’s signature look is only temporary. Once the breeding season is over, the male will take on a more modest look, retaining its red feathers only along its rump.
But how adorable are those spots?

Red strawberry finches are relatively common, particularly throughout India, but one of their closest relatives, the green strawberry finch (Amandava formosa), is a rare sight.
Found primary in central and north-western India, this rare bird’s numbers have suffered due to relentless trapping and trading – a practice that has more recently been discouraged by local governments.
Unlike the red strawberry finch, which looks exactly like its namesake, the green strawberry finch is more zebra than fruit:

The Red Avadavat is not just a sight to behold, but also a treat to the ears with its sweet melodies. The male bird is especially gifted in music and can serenade the environment with its delightful tunes. Its chirps and trills resonate through the air, adding a musical toᴜсһ to the wіɩd’s natural symphony.

The Red Avadavat is a wonderful representation of freedom and happiness. Watching these lovely creatures fly is a clear indication of how free and elegant they are. With their wings wide open, they soar through the air with ease, symbolizing the essence of freedom and joy. They amaze us with their playful behavior and swift movements, making us appreciate the beauty of nature’s creations.

Nature’s Limitless Creativity: The Red Avadavat is a testament to the endless creativity of nature. Its beautiful looks and joyous demeanor are a source of inspiration for artists, poets, and ornithologists alike, displaying the infinite marvels of the animal kingdom.

When you come across these fascinating birds, pause and admire the ѕtᴜппіпɡ appearance of the Red Avadavat and the happiness it spreads tһгoᴜɡһoᴜt the environment. It’s important to honor and value these wonderful creatures and the variety of life that exists around us.