A missing puppy faces danger when he falls into a trap in a desperate search for his family.

A dog was in the wrong place at the wrong time when it ended up getting its paw caught in a trap illegally set by an unknown person. The animal protection team at Pima Animal Care received a call from a good Samaritan who witnessed the dog struggling with “something stuck in its leg.”


Officer Kristen Weigand rushed to the scene to help this poor little dog. Knowing she didn’t want to hurt the dog more than it already was, she left the trap on its paw and gently loaded it into her truck. She hurriedly took him to the clinic, where veterinarians carefully removed the trap.



The X-rays revealed that fortunately, there were no broken bones, just some cuts on the skin. The paw was treated, and it is expected that the dog will fully recover.


Pima Animal Care is currently taking care of the dog, now named ‘Trapper,’ while he is in waiting. It is unknown if he was wandering as a lost dog or if he belongs to someone. They hope that an owner comes forward so that this poor little pup can be reunited with his family.


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