Peyton and her faithful dog, Dash, have mastered the art of having a good time together. However, their remarkable bond does not falter during life’s less pleasant moments; in fact, it seems to flourish even more.

Jillian Marie Smith, Peyton’s mother, recognized that Dash’s presence in her home would bring a new level of joy and comfort, a sentiment that has proven true.


“Dash has brought more happiness to the entire family,” he shared. “The most important thing is for Peyton. “If you ask Peyton, Dash is her friend.”


Like any energetic toddler, Peyton occasionally requires consequences to steer him away from problem behaviors. So, after a minor dispute with his sister, Smith and her husband decided that a short break would help him reflect on why his actions were not acceptable.

Although it wasn’t a severe punishment, Dash evidently couldn’t stand watching his friend face it alone. When Smith checked on his son, he was met with the comforting sight of Dash joining Peyton in timeout, side by side.


“I couldn’t stay mad for long because it was so adorable how Peyton put her arm around Dash,” Smith recounted. “When Peyton had to go into timeout, I think Dash knew he needed his friend.”

Finally, Peyton and Dash’s timeouts came to an end.


This probably won’t be the last time Peyton finds herself in trouble. However, as you navigate the early stages of life, accompanied by the valuable lessons it brings, it is comforting to know that your faithful canine companion will be by your side at all times.

Dash is obviously committed to this partnership and nothing could make him happier.